Actors equity handbook














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AGREEMENT made between Actors' Equity Association (hereafter called "Equity") and the. League of Resident Theatres (hereafter called “LORT”), an association Actors' Equity Association. AGREEMENT AND RULES. GOVERNING EMPLOYMENT. UNDER THE. EQUITY/LEAGUE PRODUCTION CONTRACT. Effective Date: September 28, 2015. check your rulebook for details. Raked Stages: As you may know, Actors' Equity Association is currently examining the effects working on a raked stage Equity establishes franchising regulations that permit talent agents to represent members for theatrical employment. Learn more about the regulations in To discuss which form of Equity contract may apply to an engagement, please contact an Equity Business Representative. In the case of a discrepancy betweenAEA actors cannot accept non-union employment, but they can audition for any show at any theatre company. If the producers want to hire an Equity actor, they These guidelines are courtesy of the Actors' Equity Education Department. There is a code of conduct by which any actor worth his or her Equity union ABOUTEQUITY© 2006 Actors' Equity AssociationAEBRO Revised 10/ Table of ContentsMark ZimmermanPresidentWelcome! This handbook is Equity contracts for individual members usually cover jobs in three categories: Principal, Chorus and Stage Manager. The Principal contract is used for all

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