The eighth edition of the mla handbook
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For further assistance in writing research papers and citing sources in the MLA style, consult: MLA Handbook, 8th ed. PN 147 G525 2016. MLA Style Manual and In previous editions of the MLA Handbook, an entry in the works-cited list was based on the source's publication format (e.g., book, film, magazine article, Web MLA Eighth Edition: What's New and Different For example, if you needed to cite a film, you would consult the handbook to see the proper format for The 8th edition MLA Handbook is the only official, authorized book on MLA style. Offering one set of guidelines for citing any type of source, it explains how The 8th edition of the MLA Handbook requires researchers to locate “core elements”. (facts common to most sources) in order to create their citations (in
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